Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Trolls get on my nerves!

Why would you waste your time going to a "Trans community" site just to be ignorant, transphobic and hateful?!" I'm not going to say which site or which community this happened on because the recent event I have seen happen pretty much everywhere I have noticed.

I am sick of people saying "WE will never have a penis."
SPEAK FOR YOUR DAMN SELF! I already blogged about people needing to "RESPECT THE PENIS"

If YOU will never have a penis then that is YOU but don't speak for me and/or others then want to get upset because you got called out for being an ass!


I'm done venting.


  1. smh this is why i dont read the crap

  2. I feel that if people have nothing nice to say then they should say nothing at all especially when it comes to other people
    s bodies!
