In some situations I do feel there is a "community" among people medically transitioning but it is a far cry from the "we are all united" thing people try to make it out to be. There are always wars going on about one thing or the other.
Stealth Vs. Not stealth
Male Privelege Vs. Feminist mentality
Lower surgery Vs. No lower surgery
Pre- transition Vs. later in/ post transition
blah vs. Blah
All of the for mentioned things are legitimate conversations to have BUT there are always those
I have a LIFE not a LIFESTYLE and I think that is what people try and use interchangeably which leads to problems. I do not eat sleep and breathe transness!
When I am with my wife I am not thinking about transition!
When I am with my daughter I am not thinking about transition!
When I am working I am not thinking about transition!
When I am out to the movies I am not thinking about transition!
To be honest I really don't think about "transition" issues unless I am online or I am naked (which is usually reserved for hygenic rituals such as bathing!)
I just wanted to put that out there!
What do you guys think about the "Community"? I look forward to your comments.
I have to agree. While talking about transition has it's merits (in the right setting) life is about more than just transition. For me "community" is the group of friends I have from a variety of locales and walks of life. I love to learn about people, their cultures, their wants, their desires, their fears and their dreams.