Sunday, March 28, 2010

9 days and counting

Since it is so close I decided to put it out there officially. In 9 days I am scheduled to have my hysto. It will be a TLH BSO. That Means that is will be a Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oophorectomy. To further break it down they will be removing everything through a minor incision in my navel there will be no contact or need for them to go anywhere near that "opening" that I despise.

I have my pre suergery medical stuff to do in 2 days. It is basically blood work and for me to discuss any potential issues with anesthesia. I have been under anesthesia 4 times without issue so I know I will be fine.

I feel like I should be nervous but I'm not. At least not yet. I am excited to finally get rid of these parts which I never should have had.
I am more nervous about after the hysto when I really move forward with my lower surgery planning because I still have to figure some aspects of that out. I feel in a better place though regarding that whole process.

For now though I just have to focus on getting through this hysto and we will go from there. As of right now it is 9 days and counting!


  1. This is awesome news. Congrats. No need to be nervous, everything will be fine. You've waited a long time and done all your mental preparation.
