Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moving forward and being positive.

There has a been a lot of craziness going on around me. Somethings I understand and some things I really don't. I decided to just move forward FOR ME. Move forward in lower surgery planning and move forward in life. Instead of waiting and wondering just live life! I decided to step back on some things and other things I am stepping up on. Writing these blogs have kept in a good head space. It has allowed me to get a lot of stuff out. The negative toxic stuff can't be held it. I must purge it to stay pure of spirit. I do malice to no one but get pure malice done to me. I could harbor it and become the very thing I hate but before doing that. I step back. Some people will not be getting phone calls any longer. Some people's calls I will not answer. Some people I will reach out to more to show them I value them while others I will step back from. It is so hard for me at times to set boundaries and draw lines BUT I am ready to do it FOR ME!

I have helped guys with lower surgery and hystos but I have yet to get my own done.
Finally I am taking the steps I need for me. I have already scheduled my Hysto which will be a total laparoscopic hysto. I am excited about this. I will not post the date on here just yet because somethings I want to enjoy solely with close friends (who i consider brothers) and family.

Closer to the time I will post my experience and the things related to the process. For now I celebrate in private the date.

I am really happy that I have gotten to this point and I look forward to other positive things.

My daughter is thriving my, Men's forums in my area are thriving, my non-profit is thriving, my clinic is thriving. I need to focus on thriving and leave the negativity behind.

I have to go back to my days of always finidng the silver lining. I want this blog to be about my REAL thoughts and REAL opinion on things. Sometimes that will be very dark and grim but other times it will be positive and uplifting (at least I hope so.)

Today though it started out confusing because I still don't know what is going on with some stuff, for the most part it has been cathartic and beautiful.
The weather is nice here, I have the day off of work, I spent the day with my daughter and took her shopping (It has already begun!)

Life is good and I plan to use the positive stuff to keep me on cloud nine and allow the negativity and back stabbing to sink someone else. Misery loves company and I don't want to be the company!

1 comment:

  1. somethings are better let not to think about only to laugh about shake your head in a bit of disgust then move on with your life because true in fact the lives we both lead are way more important then the stress that was put at our feet.

    Silence is golden and this is something with patience I have learned to be the best. Who looks worse the person bitching or the one sitting there with a raised eyebrow and a smurk? When your true integrity and character have already spoken for themselves times like these you never really have to say a thing because the truth speaks for its self. People only get mad and defensive when they are in the foul zone.

    As the name states I live by some of the Miyagi principles and one big one is patience. So wax on wax off repeat and i will get perfection. There's nothing worse you can do to anyone then rub accomplishment in their face.

