Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pre- surgical testing

Since today makes exactly 7 days til my surgery (hysto) I had to go in for my pre-surgical testing. I arrived at 8:30AM since I was told the process takes up to 2 hours since you have to see multiple people.

I filled out the papers with medical history, healthcare proxy and basic demographic info.

I first saw the PA who does the anesthesia clearance stuff. She asked me about my medical history form, allergies and all that jazz. She checked my pressure which was normal despite me being nervous. (Usually when I am nervous my pressure spikes a little). She listened to my chest, check for dentures and asked about my previous surgeries. She asked if I was "transgender" and though I don't identify with this term I just said yes for simplicity sake so I could be done and move on to the next person. I didn't want to be there longer than necessary since I did have to go to work when this was all done.

The clerk called me to the front again to make sure she had the right form regarding what surgery I was being cleared for. She asked me 3 or 4 times while I was standing in front of her for my name and birthdate. She asked who was my doctor and if they gave me a form. I told her she should have the form. I saw that she had the form in her hand. I then realized she was wondering why this hairy raspy (allergies) voiced man was in front of her but the paper was regarding GYN stuff. After her looking at the form, the computer screen then me I guess she put it together or asked the PA whichever and figured it out. I then saw the nurse who went over the procedure I was having. She had the same paper the receptionist previously had so I know they figured it out correctly. The nurse told me to stop taking aspirin ( which I take due to a history of heart problems). I didn't have to get an EKG cause I have no "active" cardiac issues and I had my annual cardiac appointment in the last 6 month. Everything was fine so no need for that. YES! *Does happy dance* Though if I had to do the EKG it would have been fine. I like the fact that I didn't have to take off my shirt and explain my scars which always happens. I also didn't have to have chest hairs pulled out when they remove the little sticky things they use for the EKG.
Anyway the nurse told me where to go the day of surgery. She told me the day before they will call me with the time but if I don't hear anything by a certain time I can call a certain number. She did ask me when was my last period and I must have looked horrified because she said, "I'm sorry for this procedure we routinely ask." I am just glad they didn't ask me if I thought I could be pregnant, because that would have really bothered me. Then again with the whole Thomas Beatie fiasco I could understand them asking I was still glad they didn't.

I then got my blood drawn which was done quickly and I was done by 10 am. I survived! Just 7 more days...

1 comment:

  1. Lmao. When I went through my testing and stuff i always get the crazy look on my face. I know they have ask but, it's still feels crazy. Well you survived it.
