Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Surgery Day recap- August 17th, 2010

9:20AM- Janet Came by the hotel to take us to the Hospital.

9:35AM- Signed in at Admitting area

9:40AM- Woman from admitting that I saw the day before pulled out my pre-admission paperwork. She gave me a wrist band. She called someone for my room number then escorted me to my hospital room. I was told a nurse would be in shortly

10AM- Nurse came in and took my medical history, asked about allergies, did vitals. Gave me a new wrist band which looked identical to the one I already had but she told me the bar code was different. I was no longer pending inpatient status but I was now considered Inpatient which is why the wrist band changed. She also brought me the allergy wrist band and had me change into a gown.
I had my own room so my wife and daughter were able to wait in my room with me.
We started to watch a little TV.

11:05Am- Another nurse came to get me with a wheelchair and a heated blanket since I was going to an area that was cold. The heated blanket was really nice!

11:10AM- Nurse triple checked I was the right patient, asked about allergies and medical history. She explained to me what kind of dressing I will wake up with on my genitals. My penis would be wrapped with non-stick gauze and covered with 4x4 non-stick padding. Then the Small dimple from the particial Vaginectomy would be packed with guaze to catch the excess blood. I was told I would also be put into special disposable undies that are really soft and like boxer briefs. My IV was also started at this time.

11:30Am- My wife and daughter were brought over to the area I was in so that they could wait with me til I went in the OR. That was really nice.

11:35AM- I was given anti-nausea meds and antibiotic in my IV

12:20PM- Anesthesiologist came to speak to me

12:25pm- I was taken into the OR.

12:35pm- I remember being told just to relax then I was out!

4:45pm- My wife was told that I was out of surgery and in the recovery room

5:00pm- I was back in my room and I was starting to wake up while my wife took incriminating pictures of me!

I had oxygen on for the first few hours after surgery due to me just coming out of surgery and the high altitude of colorado.

I was in and out of it for the rest of the night. I remembered asking the nurse who was taking me to the room how did it go and she said it went really well then I fell asleep. I remember my wife kissing me good night and then I asked to give my daughter a kiss which I did. I was coherent around 8pm and I called my Mom, Brothers and closest friends so that they could hear my voice to know I was awake and doing well although my wife already sent everyone a text when I came out of surgery.

I was hungry when I woke up so I was given a tray of light fluids and a popsicle. The popsicle hit the spot then I dosed off.

The night nurses were really nice and kept checking on me to see if I needed pain meds or anything.
It was far enough after surgery that I was able to get food. The nurse brought me a late dinner which I picked at for a couple hours while in and out of sleep.
At one point I mentioned my hand was hurting and sure enough my IV had slipped out of the vein but was still in my hand and was swelling. They took it out and gave me a new line. My urine output was dark since I hadn't been getting enough fluids. I was given pain meds. I was in and out all night. Occassionally updating facebook and checking emails out of boredom. They had some cuffs on my legs to prevent DVT and the nurse took that off which allowed me to move my legs more freely and get more comfortable. I eventually was out for the count.

That was surgery day!

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