Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4, 6 and some other stuff.

4 days until I leave for Trinidad, CO.
6 Days until surgery.

Post op guys who have had meta have been really good about helping me with preparing. (Thanks guys!) I am realizing that there are things that I saw on my list to get but overlooked because I thought they weren't important. One example of this would be Sanitary napkins (AkA Maxi pads). I find it very interesting that upon getting rid of that dreaded hole I will have to wear those things, WTF?!
It was explained to me that there is leaking and discharge from surgery so the pads help catch the junk that is leaking so that I don't mess up my underwear and/or furniture.
I thought this would make me feel weird or dysphoric but surprisingly I am pretty okay with it. My wife will be the one purchasing these things NOT ME lol, but other than that I am totally fine with the pad thing. To be honest I will probably be so high on pain meds that I won't even notice and even if I do notice I probably won't care.

In terms of other things on my list that I need to get I am pretty set. I am supposed to get antibiotic ointment/ neosporin which I have already here at home and I will get some the day before surgery. Anything else I need I plan to get in Colorado since there are stores where I can get stuff for cheap within 10 minutes of the hotel I will be staying at.

I have a friend who fractured her tail bone and her pelvis a few months back and needed an inflatable cushion. She said I could use hers. She actually had an inflatable cushion and a foam one and gave me both so I have options. They are light and will be easy to pack.

I guess I am starting to get kind of excited. I say kind of because it doesn't feel real that I am having lower surgery in 6 days. What does feel real is that Friday is my last day of work and that I am definitely celebrating. *Does a happy dance*
Some of my Co-workers are freaking out that I will be away. Word is starting to get around that I will be out for about a month. People have been asking me if everything is okay and I have just been saying very casually "Oh, I just need time to take care of something no big deal." For all they know it could be a medical thing for me, a family thing or something else entirely.

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