Friday, April 30, 2010

Still waiting and other stuff.

I am still waiting to hear from insurance regarding my lower surgery. I called them today and they said that my surgeon called them but due to time zone stuff they missed the call. They called back with the best time for the "peer to peer" conference to determine whether I need to be hospitalized after surgery or not. The surgeon is out of town right now traveling so they will have to follow up when back at the office which wont be til around Tuesday!
If the surgeon calls Tuesday then I will know something for sure by May 19th the latest. Hopefully I will know something by the end of next week.

I am still optimistic about the whole thing.

My boxing gear came in the mail today and I am excited to put it to good use!
There will be lots of blogging about that I am sure since it does feel like another chapter that I have opened. Another part of myself I am learning about. We shall see

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