Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lower surgery planning and Decision making

I realize that transition has to just flow and isn't a race. I feel like though I can set goals and time frames life happens and that is not a sign of failure but just part of life. Sometimes things not working out the way you want works out better in the long run. My process to start T is an example of that so is my hysto process. If my plan would have worked out for the way I wanted to start T I would have been dealing with a lot of stress and drama with the clinic I originally wanted to go to.

With regards to my hysto if I had it when I wanted I would have an abdominal scar AND I would have had to deal with a longer recovery process. I am a positive thinker but at the same time if things don't work out the way I want with this initial insurance claim it might work out better. Now that my hysto is out of the way I can focus more on deciding different aspects of my lower surgery. Many people think of lower surgery as "THE BIG SURGERY" but it is more like "Surgeries" even if done at the same time different aspects have to be thought about.

Do you want a meta?
Do you want a phallo?
Do you want a meta as a deliberate first stage of a phallo?
Do you want a vaginectomy?
Do you want urethral lengthening?
Do you want testicular implants? What size?
Do you want expanders before your implants?
How far do you want to travel?
How will you pay for it?
How will you deal with complications?

All of these questions to answer I feel makes it okay if you need "a little more time". Now that I am really focusing on my lower surgery exclusively I am certain more than ever that I want it BUT at the same time there are aspects of surgery that I have to finalize for me in my head. For such an important decisions I realize it is okay to take time and there is no rush. Do I want surgery now? HELL yes BUT if it doesn't happen now I will not be as devistated as I thought . It would just allow me more time to plan.

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