Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life is moving forward

I will keep it as brief as possible by sectioning things off. Here we go!


Day 7 post Hysto and I am doing GREAT! No pain just the mild discomfort still upon urination due to bladder spasms which are fading. No bleeding to date.

Lower surgery

I called my insurance regarding the letter the conversation was very good, better than I thought it would go. My documentation has to be reviewed and I may need to update some paperwork but things are looking good. No matter what I am happy I went forward with the submission of documents. I called surgeon's office to follow up regarding the conversation and things on their end. Things on their end is looking up.

Higher Education

I was going to put off my application process for the Master's Progam I wanted to do but decided to take the plunge. My application is already submitted and everything has been a go. I hope to hear soon. I have been wokring on this half assed for over a year but decided to confirm my desire to enroll in the program and hopefully I can get started soon. It seems like I am doing a lot but it is just enough.

Physical Fitness

I was going to get a family gym membership because my wife and I both need to work out more. We discussed it and decided to enhance our "home gym" (which so far consists of yoga mats, cardio rope, dumbells, curl bar, ab slide,, exercise ball, iron gym and perfect push up). The "enhancement" will lead to me getting some boxing gloves which I was interested in getting anyway. Once I can commit to doing it at home then I can revisit the formal gym issue. With the baby, the potential return to school and need for actual sleep I think this would be the best option. Plus I have my biological brother and enough friends with gym memberships that If I really need a formal gym day several have offered to have me go to their gym with them as a guest on the weekends and my days off.

Liver health

I have my appointment friday to see if those silly doctors will finally leave me alone OR if they would like to do more test to figure out why my liver looks crazy on imaging but lab wise I am still in awesome health. Nomral liver function, normal liver enzymes, All labs normal not one lab too low or too high. It has been like that for a long time. Specifically the past 5 months it has been checked it has been the same.

That's all for now! Life is moving forward

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