Sunday, April 11, 2010

Recap- Saturday, April 10th,2010 - 4 days post hysto

Yesterday, Saturday April 10th was a good day for me. I was out of the house for the longest amount of time since my hysto. I was out for about 10 hours and I loved it all! I went out to my Football/Soccer/fun in the sun meet up. I didn't play but I watched and talked to some other guys who came out just to watch. After we went back to one of the guys house and I got to see one of his "projects" which had my senses VERY stimulated. I also got on his mic and freestyled a little but by the time I was really warmed up I opted to go home so that I didn't get home too late. Usually I would go home late and not worry but since it was only 4 days since surgery I decided to be good. My wife did get worried and started to give me the whole "You-were-to-come-straight-howme" speech on the phone. When I got home I thought she was going to be MAD but she was happy to see I was home and fine.
I am really amazed at how great I feel. To be honest I sometimes forget I had surgery. The only reminders I have is the surgical glue on my abdomen and my bladder spasm when I go to the bathroom. This next part might be a little TMI.
It doesn't hurt exactly but it feels uncomfortable which I know is to be expected. When I am done using the bathroom the spasms stop and I am fine again.

I was so busy having fun I forgot to buy my powerball ticket but my numbers didn't hit. Well 2 of them hit but not the important numbers so I didn't miss out. I would have been really upset if I didn't buy the ticket and my numbers hit.
I have my lower surgery plan very clear in my head and I am totally happy with the plan I have made. The more days that pass by the more right at peace I feel with it. It will all be unveiled soon enough for now. It makes sense in my head and that is all that matters.

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