Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Moving right along!

I went to see my medical Doctor yesterday to get on my medical clearance stuff. Due to my medical history I am required to get an EKG. I decided to do it sooner rather than later so that if it looked funny (which mine sometimes do even when there is nothing wrong but that is my "baseline") I would have time to get cleared by my cardiologist if needed.

So I went in and showed my Doc the letter from insurance agreeing to pay for surgery she was so happy for me. She has known me since I was a child and actually used to work at the same medical facility as my mother so she has seen me in both my developmental stages as a human being and through my transition. Most of her other patients dont want lower surgery so this is all new territory to her and she was open to learning so we discussed where I am at in my process, what procedure I am having and might need in the future. We also discussed how she as my primary MD would fit into that with annual screenings and any other necessary care. It was a really nice talk we had. She wasn't even seeing patients yesterday but because it was me she decided to make and exception so that I could get things in sooner especially since between filling out camp forms and other summer medical stuff she is really busy (she does family medicine).

I did my EKG which was one of the best she has seen from me it was perfect so no need for me to see the Cardiologist. She reviewed my transition history so that she could include that in my clearance letter which was important because if I am under a certain amount of years in my transition I would need 2 mental health letters as opposed to one letter. I only have one letter and fortunately enough based on MY situation my history seems strong enough to my surgeon and insurance to not warrant a second letter confirming the need for me to have this surgery and my readiness.
My Doc had a meeting to get to but agreed to write my letter and get it to me ASAP. She did give me a copy of my EKG to fax to the surgeon because worse case scenario if the letter doesnt get done or Murphy's law kicks in as long as my surgeon has the clean EKG and her contact info we will be able to get me in the OR without issue.

I am so happy that things are coming together. It still doesn't feel real just yet but I am still excited!

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