Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lower surgery Update- June 1st,2010 and some other stuff.

Well today was a BIG day! I got my surgery date! *Does happy dance!* Only thing is that it was bitter sweet because the surgeon's assistant was willing to give me a surgery date that was closer which is what I really wanted. It would have worked out to be a date either within 2 days of my B-day or a week after my B-day. Unfortunately since I am still waiting for the insurance payment stuff to be figured out I decided to be safe and schedule for early 2011 (No, I am not telling the date yet!)

I did look into possibly getting a medical loan but that is not a feasable option for me right now but who knows I may explore it if other things don't work out.

Since the surgeon's already explicitly told me that they would adjust how much I have to pay based on what my insurance agrees to pay as the rate. I am even more committed to getting this rate in writing and to my surgeon's office.
My insurance isnt BIG NAME INSURANCE BUT when I am outside of my area It rolls over to BIG NAME INSURANCE in a way so I use BIG NAME INSURANCE providers (which this surgeon is) AND my insurance pays the BIG NAME INSURANCE rate. Since my insurance isnt directly BIG NAME INSURANCE that is what makes getting the rate trickier because usually when someone uses an BIG NAME INSURANCE provider they just pay the BIG NAME INSURANCE rate after the fact and if they don't know the rate they ask at that time.

Lucky for me I made nice with the Associate Director of Claims when I was waiting for my prior Authorization a few weeks back and I called her to ask how I go about resolving this matter. I explained that I need the rates or I have to pay upfront. She was upset not with me but at the fact that the rate was holding things up. She sent an email to whoever manages the linkage agreement between my primary insurance and BIG NAME INSURANCE.
I was told that they will make sure to get those rates to either me or my surgeon. If that happens then I will be good to go!

Since surgery is really in the works and almost set I decided to have a conversation with my Mother about this. My Mother in the beginning of my transition process was very Anti- medical transition. Since top surgery she has made a lot of progress but I wasn't sure if this would be too much for her. I called her and told her that I am planning surgery for my "basement" (My Grandmother's term for genital region). My Mother was very calm and mellow. She asked a few questions. She was timid at first then said that since we were at a good place in our relationship she didn't want to ask me anything to make me feel uncomfortable. She is in the medical feild so I explained it to her in medical terms and that made it easier for her. I told her ask anything that she wants and if it is "too much" I will let her know. She asked a few more questions about "function" and she was actually surprised that I wasn't getting a Phalloplasty (Once I explained to her the difference between a phallo and a meta). I did leave the door open to let her know that I am getting a meta for now BUT if for some reason I do not feel complete AND/or technology changes I can still get the Phallo in the future. She basically said, "It's good to leave your options open and you are young too!"

I went into the conversation feeling nervous not knowing what she would say or if she would try and talk me out of it. That was not the case. She wanted to get info on the surgery that I was getting, the surgeon I chose (probably so she could check credentials. That is something my Mother would do), She even asked if I would need anything. I dont want to ask her for the money because I want to be an adult about this BUT if things are getting close I am open to seeing if she will co-sign a loan if needed.
I did invite her to come. I thought she would be nervous or not want to but she was excited and honored that I would want her to be part of such a huge thing. She is already "planning" to take Family Medical Leave and help out where needed.

I am excited too. Today was a GREAT day!

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