Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another one of those days

I found out that someone I THOUGHT I could trust disclosed my trans history without my permission. The people she disclosed the information to know me through other stuff but they didn't know I was the same guy being discussed until one detail was mentioned. Whether they knew or not it was not this woman's place to discuss my business without my permission. This shit is really getting old. I know in 2010 there is no way to be 100% stealth but why are you giving people YOU don't know my personal history. This is really ridiculous! If I were in a different place in my life I would be upset but honestly it's just sad that people have to cut me down which is what the disclosure was intended to do to make themselves look and feel better. They made a big mistake and they are about to make an ass out of themselves in front of some big wigs by doing so because most people when they hear what happened won't believe it and those who do believe it will deal with this individual very harshly for disclosing people's private information which they deem as inappropriate.

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