Thursday, August 5, 2010

How will I get around?!

I was going over the logistics of my trip to Trinidad, CO for bottom surgery. My wife and I are from a big city where you don't have to drive to get around so not only don't we have a car but neither us have a license.
I was thinking about it and realized Trinidad, CO is a small town so the chance of catching a cab is slim to none! I was starting to get nervous because I made arrangements to get to the hotel from the airport and get to the airport when time to leave but what about in between? Luckily Dr. Bowers' office makes arrangements regarding this for patients to get around during business if they can't or don't drive which is fine. I am very happy about this. I called Robin the office coordinator to confirm and I was happy to find out that I will be able to get a ride to and from my pre-op appointment the day before surgery. To the hospital the day of surgery. My wife will get a ride back to the hotel since I will have to stay in the hospital. They will bring my wife to come visit me and take us back to the hotel and all that good stuff. Also if we need to stop at the local store for snack, groceries and my prescriptions we will get a ride there too. I am very happy about this. Everything is really a 10 minute drive or less away. We were sure to get a nice hotel as close to the hospital as possible. That's all for now soon I will have more to post about surgery. I also plan to post more life stuff because this blog isn't just about my lower surgery journey. I blog mostly about lower surgery because it is the biggest thing on my mind right now.

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