Sunday, August 8, 2010

Almost there and more to do.

Next week this time I will be in Trinidad, Colorado. It is crazy how fast time is flying. It is good and starting to be a little ... WOW. Not a bad thing. I still need to pack. I have to make sure I have everything for my trip. I haven't started packing and I have a crazy week ahead so that is um something I need to be on top of! I also have to make sure I pack my trip confirmation, hotel confirmation and get everything together on my list of things for surgery. Speaking of that. I should go look at the list again. The only thing I remember is the inflatable cushion. Yikes!


  1. How much is ur surgery costing you? I hope one day soon i can be where you are with your journey. Best wishes for next week mate!

  2. My surgery is being covered by insurance. My insurance DOES NOT cover transition surgeries but they do cover "Medically Necessary" surgeries. I made sure everything submitted said that this surgery was medically necessary and why. Thanks for the well wishes.
