Saturday, May 29, 2010

Consult day- May 29th, 2010

I decided to not let the issues with the other surgeon get me down. I am still working on that but in the mean time I have decided to move forward with following up on plan B in case I need it. I am going for consult number 2 with this surgeon. I had a consult with them back in November '09. They require all their patients to have hysto before he will begin lower surgery. I had my hysto since I last saw them. They are in network and take both my primary insurance and my wife's insurance so hopefully they will just take that upfront and not charge me the surgeon's fee ahead of time. I know the hospital stuff is definitely covered because the hospital where they have surgical rights is a "preferred" hospital for my insurance so that's a plus.

I'm about to head out. I am a little nervous but I am going to pray the entire way there and trust that all will work out for me to have surgery sooner rather than later.

I have my list of questions and I am ready to go!

I plan to come back posting nothing but great news when I get back!

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