I always say myself as a man pre-Transition. When I began to seek out medical transition I had a vague view of what Kind of man I would be in the world. I was just happy to finally be seen in the world as a man.
Now that I am seen 100% as the man I knew myself to be life feels new and a little weird. I am a man yet sometimes I feel like a lost boy.
I am very mature. I have my own Non-profit, my own home, a wife and child yet sometimes I feel like a boy trying to find his way in the world. Part of it I feel has to do with the fact that I never really had a childhood muchless a boyhood. Sometimes I feel that lack of childhood has helped me get to where I am. Independent, determined and focused. I feel wise beyond my years yet lost at times.
I have been struggling with this lately especially due to the fact that as I near my lower surgery which will feel like the major closing of a chapter in my life (transitioning) I also feel a weight lifting.
I have really been reflecting alot on life and I am focusing a lot more on the Quality of the relationships I have over the quantity.
I felt so happy to be able to be out of my old body and more comfortable relating to people that I was willing to befriend everyone. I am learning not all people deserve my friendship. Not all people are good friends.
I have been hanging out more and more with people I know and am getting closer with some people while moving away from others.
Just because we know the same people, both have transition histories and or like each other does not a friendship make!
I am a habitual people pleaser. I always want to see people happy and having a good time even if I have to sacrifice myself to do so. That is changing. I feel stronger and more confident saying "NO" and moving in a different direction from the crowd.
I used to fear going back to being alone and isolated but I know I will never be alone or isolated. I need to let that fear go.
I feel that my maleness has more direction and that I am in my teenager year a little now but realizing where I want to be and where I am going. I am focusing my energy on how to get there.
As a man it is time for me to put away childish ways and move forward. I am young but life is too short.
I feel like my maleness is adapting and that is okay!