Monday, May 24, 2010

The hurdles keep on coming!

I received an email today from the insurance person at the surgeon's office for my lower surgery. Basically it says that NOW (after all these weeks) that she realizes that the surgeon is no longer in network. WTH?!!?!? The email goes on to say the surgeon's fee alone is $11,000+ that I have to "pre-pay". Then on top of that they don't even know yet if the hospital is going to have me "pre-pay" so that will be more $$$$. I know that my penis is an investment and that is an investment I am willing to make. I just wish I had this information before I made my "in good faith" deposit to schedule a surgery date. Mind you this "deposit" is non-refundable. If I knew this was going to happen I would have used the deposit to a plane ticket to have a consult with another surgeon or even 2 that I was interested who are more UP FRONT about their insurance stuff.

I am going to go back to the drawing board and see what I am willing to compromise and what I am not willing to compromise. I may continue with this surgeon on this path and then again I may decide not to go that route at all and go a completely different direction. Honestly I am considering holding off all together and going overseas. If I am going to pay any large amount of money might as well get exactly what I want and for a reasonable amount which I know I can get overseas from very good Doctors.


  1. 11k prepay?!? Sorry to hear about that bro. It sux and I can definitely relate to the feeling of setbacks especially when finances are concerned. Right now, I'm dealing with a pile of stress that's costing me money, but I'm wading through one box at a time. Anyway, I hope things work out for you, and I know you're tenacious so it's not like you'd quit now. lol. Stay positive 8D

  2. Sounds like a good idea man. Just pray on it and most def it will come to you and when it does go for it. In due time it will all fall into place and we both know this.
